Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday 5: The cute and the furry

1. What’s the cutest of the small, furry animals?
Kittens, i want one so badly
2. What predator impresses you the most?
Wolves, they can be pretty stealthy
3. After which animal will you name your professional sports team?
The Monkeys
4. What’s an unusual animal that you know a little something about?
Monkeys Flinging Poo(now contemplating changing the sports team animal)

5. Your high school probably had some kind of mascot or symbol, but based on your memories of it, what animal should REALLY have been the emblem?
Actually I think Muskies was a pretty good choice. Didn't pay too much attention but I think we had a good wrestling team and the Musky would symbolize the ability to slip out of any situation like a fish.. or something like that.

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